Popular Ideas!

"We always include QR codes on the imprint area. The Pop-Up itself grabs instant attention, so the code can drive more digital activity exactly where we want it."
Doug M., Chicago IL

"Our target audience includes kids and their parents, so we distribute self-assembled Pop-Ups in the shape of our mascot. It's a fun, effective way to promote our latest educational products every quarter."
Wendy L., San Antonio, TX

"We tuck raffle tickets inside our Pop-Up envelope each time we do a major trade show. The Pop-Up acts as an attention-grabbing 3D gamepiece that drives attendees online to check hourly booth specials. It’s helped increase show turnout."
Shawn W., New York, NY

"We leverage a custom design. Instead of a calendar, each panel features information on a different product. This promotes our digital apps and online training videos in an attention-grabbing way."
Randy P., Sacramento, CA

Contact your ASI, PPAI, SAGE, or Agency rep for current pricing and FREE dimensional samples today!